
8 10, 2016

Device Name Change Announcement

2020-05-22T18:20:48+08:00By |Tags: , , |

In order to help our customers to identify our products easily and to provide better products and services for customers, from October  2016, our company will adopt MC300 as the device name of the products. The former device name TLT-2H will no longer be the name of the GPS products of our company. Meanwhile, [...]

1 06, 2016

Keep Your Child Safe with GPS Tracker

2020-05-22T18:20:19+08:00By |

Our children are our biggest treasures, and no parent would love even to dream of losing track of their loved ones. I mean, where would you start in searching for a lost child? It is a nightmare that many would never like to have. That said, thanks to the current trend in technology, parents [...]

14 04, 2016

Why I Need A 3G GPS Tracker?

2020-05-22T18:19:31+08:00By |

As you know most people use the smartphone with a 3G/4G network, but GPS tracking device 2G is still popular. Maybe you have heard most of the countries have a plan to close the 2G network, the most affect is GPS tracking business. Why many countries shutting down 2G network? The 2G network takes [...]

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